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Session Laws, 1945
Volume 589, Page 1488   View pdf image (33K)
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of Representatives of the Federal Congress, United States
Senator or President of the United States.

(3) All such candidates for such office, and all such dele-
gates, managing bodies, executives and executive committees
shall be nominated, selected and chosen by the direct vote of
the duly registered voters belonging to or acting with such
parties, respectively, in every precinct, ward, councilmanic,
legislative, Congressional, judicial or other election district
in Baltimore City, and also in the several counties of the State
of Maryland, respectively, and in each and every election
precinct and election district of each of said counties of the
State of Maryland, respectively, it being the intent and pur-
pose of this sub-title that all such candidates for public office,
all delegates to party conventions and all managing bodies,
executives, or executive committees of any such political party
whenever the political party usage provides for such execu-
tives or executive committees, shall be nominated by the direct
vote of the duly registered voters, belonging to and acting with
such parties, respectively, in Baltimore City, or any precinct,
ward, councilmanic, Congressional, judicial or legislative dis-
trict thereof, or in any county, district or precinct thereof
or in any Congressional or judicial district, as the case, with
respect to any public office or place or position aforesaid,
may be; and that no candidates for such public office, dele-
gates to such conventions, party executive or executive com-
mittee, or managing body of any such political party, as afore-
said in and for Baltimore City or the several counties of the
State, shall be chosen or elected by any such political conven-
tion or otherwise than by the duly registered voters belong-
ing to or acting with said political parties as aforesaid, except
as hereinafter otherwise provided.

It shall be lawful for all such parties aforesaid to elect and
hold such party conventions which shall have full power and
authority, in all respects, whatsoever, to act in respect to all
matters pertaining to the organization, maintenance, conduct,
affairs and interests of the party, in Baltimore City or in any
county of the State, saving and excepting only the choice,
selection, nomination or appointment of party candidates for
such public office, delegates to such conventions, or party ex-
ecutives or managing bodies or executive committees, of any
sort whatever, in and for Baltimore City, and the several coun-
ties and Congressional and judicial districts of the State.

Provided, that the candidates of such political parties for
Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, and United States
Senator shall be nominated in the manner prescribed in this
Article by State conventions, and such State conventions
elected by the direct vote in the same manner as the State con-


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Session Laws, 1945
Volume 589, Page 1488   View pdf image (33K)
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