nominee may be voted for, and said judges shall affix such
stickers in the proper place on each ticket before it is given out
to the voter.
44. Whenever a proposed constitution or constitutional
amendment or other question is submitted for popular approval
to the voters of the State, the Secretary of State shall duly, and
not less than thirty days before the election, certify the same
to the Supervisors of Elections in the counties and the City of
Baltimore, and thereupon the said supervisors shall include
the same in the publication provided for in Section 41 of this
Article. If questions of local concern are to be submitted for
approval to the vote of the people of a county or a municipality
the same shall be certified to said Supervisors of Elections
within said period by the County Commissioners or the Regis-
ter of the City of Baltimore, as the case may be, and shall be
advertised as herein provided in the case of nominees for
county or city offices.
45. (1) Political parties which at the general election
next preceding any primary election to be held hereunder,
shall have polled ten per cent, of the entire vote cast in
the State at such or any such general election, shall here-
after nominate all their candidates for public office in and
for Baltimore City, and the several counties of the State and
for Judges and for the Senate and House of Representatives
of the Federal Congress, and shall elect all delegates to county,
legislative district, Congressional, City and State conventions,
and all members of managing bodies in said political parties,
in and for Baltimore City and the several counties of the
State, and all precinct, ward, city and county executive or
executive committees, whenever the political party usage pro-
vides for such executive committees, or any of the same, by
means of primary elections conducted under and in accord-
ance with the provisions of this sub-title and not otherwise,
except as herein specifically provided, and the several boards
of supervisors of elections shall not print on the offi-
cial ballot to be voted at any general or special election to
be hereafter held the name or names of any such candidate
or candidates for election in Baltimore City or any of the
counties of the State of any of said parties who shall not
be so nominated and whose nomination shall not be certified
to them or to the Secretary of State as haying been so nomi-
(2) No person, other than as candidate for Judge shall be
a candidate for the nomination by more than one political
party for any public office in Maryland, or for the House