nomination, such certificate of candidacy shall thereupon be
and become void and the name of any person so withdrawing
shall not be printed upon the ballots to be used at such primary
43. Should any persons so nominated die before election day
or decline the nomination, as in this Article provided, or should
any certificate of nomination be or become insufficient or in-
operative from any cause occurring after the period of time
for the filling of vacancies in party nominations as is prescribed
by Section 39 of this Article, the vacancy or vacancies thus
occasioned may be filled in the manner required for original
nominations. If the original nomination was made by a party
convention which had delegated to a committee the power to
fill vacancies, such committee may, upon the occurring of such
vacancies, proceed to fill the same; the chairman and secretary
of such committee shall thereupon make and file with the
proper officer a certificate setting forth the cause of the va-
cancy, the name of the person nominated, the office for which
he was nominated, the name of the person for whom the new
nominee is to be substituted, the fact that the committee was
authorized to fill vacancies and such further information as is
required to be given in an original certificate of nomination.
The certificate so made shall be executed and acknowledged in
the manner prescribed for the original certificate of nomina-
tion and shall, except in the case of a nominee dying, be filed at
least ten days before the day of election, and upon being so
filed shall have the same force and effect as an original
certificate of nomination. When such certificate shall be so
filed with the Secretary of State, he shall, in certifying the
nomination to the Supervisors of Elections, insert the name of
the person who has been thus nominated to fill a vacancy in
place of that of the original nominee; and in case he has
already sent forth his certificate, he shall forthwith certify to
the Supervisors the name and description of the person so
nominated to fill a vacancy, the office for which he is nomi-
nated, the party or political principle he represents and the
name of the person for whom he is substituted. In the case,
however, of any nominee dying within so short a time before
the day of election that the certificate of nomination of the new
nominee shall not have been filed with or certified to the Super-
visors of Elections until ten days before the day of election,
thus being too late for the name of the new nominee to be
printed on the ballots in any county or the City of Baltimore,
as hereinafter provided, the Board of Supervisors of each
county or city shall at once cause to be printed a sufficient num-
ber of stickers bearing the name of such substitute nominee,
and shall deliver the name in due time to the judges of election
for all of those precincts in said county or city wherein said