17. An act entitled, an act for the relief of Albert Dorney,
authorizing the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Harford county
to record a certain deed.
18. An act entitled, an act to allow William Thompson, of
R., Trustee of William O. Chappell, deceased, and late sheriff
of Montgomery county, and collector of election district num-
ber four of said county, further time to collect the unpaid fees
and taxes due the said William O. Chappell.
19. An act entitled, an act to incorporate the Egenton Or-
phan Asylum of Baltimore.
20. An act entitled, an act to amend the 4th article of the
Code of Public Local Laws, by adding thereto certain sec-
tions, authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
to endorse or guarantee the first mortgage bonds of the West-
ern Maryland Rail Road Company, to an amount not exceed-
ing two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
21. An act entitled, an act to repeal section 90 of the Pub-
lic Local Laws, relating to election districts in Kent county.
22. An act supplemental to an act entitled, an act appro-
priating a sum of money for the rendering more secure against
fire the State House and public archives, for erecting a fire-
proof Record Office, and for enlarging the State Library
room, and the Hall of the House of Delegates.
23. An act entitled, an act to appoint Commissioners to
erect a new Court-House and fire-proof office in Kent
24. An act entitled, an act to amend the 180th section, rela-
ting to schools, of article 3 of the Code of Public Local
25. An act entitled, an act to authorize and require the
Treasurer of the State of Maryland, to pay to David C. Black-
iston, administrator of William H. Blackiston, late of Kent
county, deceased, a sum of money, being an overpayment into
the Treasury by said administrator.
26. An act entitled, an act to amend the 4th and 5th sec-
tions, relating to the alms house of Queen Anne's county, of
article 17 of the Public Local Laws.
27. An act entitled, an act to amend sections 114, 115, 116,
121, 126, 127 and 120, relating to schools of Queen Anne's
county, of article 17 of the Code of Public Local Laws.
28. An act entitled, an act to renew and continue in force
an act entitled, an act to incorporate the Maryland and Vir-