and City Council to establish and regulate the same, and in-
serting in lieu of the sections so repealed, the following sec-
tions, for the purpose of providing a permanent police for the
city of Baltimore.
8. An act entitled, an act to amend the 817th section of
the Code of Public Local Laws, which authorizes the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore to clean the streets and protect
the pavements of said city, and to substitute the following
section, giving to the Mayor and City Council, in addition to
the powers contained in said section, the power to erect lamps
and cause the same to be lighted, at the expense of the city.
9. An act entitled, an act to amend the 4th article of the
Code of Public Local Laws, by inserting therein the follow-
ing sections, regulating elections in the city of Baltimore,
and to repeal the 18th section of said article, touching elec-
10. An act entitled, an act to amend the 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th,
6th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th,
23d, 24th, 28th, 30th, 31st, 38th, 44th, 49th, and 50th sec-
tions of the 35th article of the Code of General Laws, rela-
ting to elections, so as to exclude the city of Baltimore from
the operation of said sections, except as herein provided, and
to substitute for said sections the following.
11. An act entitled, an act to authorize the county com-
missioners of Allegany county to levy for the use of Elizabeth
A. Watson, as the heir of John Davis, deceased, taxes over-
12. An act entitled, an act to incorporate the Corn Ex-
change Buildings Company, in the city of Baltimore.
13. An act entitled, an act to compensate the members of
the Joint Committee appointed by the General Assembly of
Maryland, at its January session, 1858, to examine the re-
ports of the commissioners to revise and codify the laws.
14. An act entitled, an act to refund to the legatees of
Thomas L. Offutt, the money paid by Turner Wootton, ad-
ministrator of said Thomas L. Offutt, on the forfeited recog-
nizances of Thomas M. Offutt.
15. An act entitled, an act to amend the 12th article of the
Code of Public Local Laws, by adding thereto a new section,
changing and defining the bounds of election district number
one of Howard county.
16. An act entitled, an act to remit the fine of five hun-
dred dollars, heretofore imposed upon William P. Maulsby,
of Frederick county.