CHAP. 31.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted. That the said district
commissioners shall receive as compensation for
their services two dollars for each and every day
they, may be engaged in laying off said election dis-
tricts into school districts, and the erecting of
houses thereon, said compensation to be paid by an
order of the board of school commissioners of Mont-
gomery county on their treasurer, and taken from
the general school fund of said county.
ARTICLE 2 — Of Funds for the support of Public
Taxes and
other moneys
to be paid to
SEC. 1. And fie it enacted, That all funds in the
hands of the present treasurer of the free school
fund and all other funds which may be, by any
law of this State, applicable to purposes of educa-
tion in said county, shall be paid directly to the
treasurer of the board of commissioners of public
schools, and the balance necessary for the support
of schools and the building of school houses shall
be annually estimated and determined by the board
of commissioners of public schools, who shall report
the same to the county commissioners, and they
are hereby authorized and required to levy annu-
ally the sum so estimated and reported upon the
assessable property of the county, to be collected in
the same manner as other taxes are, or may here-
after be collected; the school tax when collected
shall be paid to the treasurer aforesaid; Provided,
the levy for school purposes shall never be less than
ten nor more than twenty cents on the one hundred
Sum paid by
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That each pupil shall
pay to the teacher one dollar per quarter in ad-
vance, the same to be deducted from his quarterly
salary, unless the parent or guardian of said pupil
shall be unable to pay the same, in that case the
commissioner of each district shall admit such
pupil free of charge, and the ability or inability of
the parent or guardian to pay shall be determined
by the board of county school commissioners.
State school
fund to be
paid on draft
of Treasurer.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no money shall
be paid to Montgomery county on account of the
State school fund, except upon the draft of the
treasurer of the board of school commissioners of
Montgomery county, countersigned by the presi-
dent of the said board; Provided, that none of the