board, four dollars, and each of the other members
three dollars per day for every day they may be
occupied in attending the meetings of the board,
and the same compensation shall be allowed to com-
mittees of the board when in attendance upon such
duties as the board may assign them.
CHAP. 31.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That Edward W. Owen
and Edwin M. Muncaster, for the first district;
Benjamin E. Hughes and Washington Waters, for
the second district; Richard W. Williams and
Hezekiah W. Trundle, for the third district; Jo-
seph T. Bailey and Frederick L, Moore, for the
fourth district; and Francis Valdenar and Caleb
Stabler, for the fifth district of Montgomery county,
are hereby appointed district commissioners, who
shall have power, and they are hereby directed, on
or before the first day of April, or as soon there-
after as practicable, to divide their said districts
into convenient school districts, and said board of
district commissioners shall divide said districts
without reference to the lines of the election dis-
ers to form
tricts; provided, they act in conjunction and concur
with the commissioners of the election district with
which they may come in conflict; they shall report
said division to the commissioners of public schools
as soon as practicable, who shall have power to
change or alter any school district for good and suf-
ficient reasons; after said division shall have been
confirmed by said board, the deeds for lands or
school houses shall be recorded by the clerk of the
Circuit court for Montgomery county.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the board of dis-
trict commissioners shall have power, and they are
hereby directed to contract for the erection of school
houses in their respective election districts, and the
purchasing or procuring of sites, and that all con-
tracts shall be to the lowest responsible bidder;
School houses
Provided, however, that no school house shall cost
more than three hundred dollars.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That in case any of
the district commissioners should fail to act as such,
the judges of the Orphans' court are hereby di-
rected, at their first meeting after such refusal, to
appoint other competent citizens from the respec-
tive election district in which said vacancy may