CHAP. 31.
Right to dis-
pose of pro-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That whenever the
board of Commissioners of public schools may deem
it necessary to dispose of any property which they
may hold for the use and benefit of the public
schools, they shall have power and are hereby au-
thorised to dispose of said property by sale, lease
or otherwise, and to give a good and sufficient title
for the same to the purchaser thereof, and the pro-
ceeds arising therefrom shall be applied to the
school fund of the county, and appropriated to such
purposes as are authorised by this act.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said board
of commissioners shall meet quarterly or oftener if
necessary, at such time as may be agreed upon;
Provided, the quarterly meetings shall if possible,
be held within the first ten days of January, April,
July and October, of each year: it shall require a
majority of the whole board to constitute a quorum
for the transaction of any business; the school
commissioner of each district shall exercise a gen-
eral supervision over all the schools in his district,
and shall visit and examine into the condition of
the same at least once in each quarter, and report
thereon to each quarterly meeting of the board, in
to be publish
ed annually.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the board of school commissioners for Mont-
gomery county to publish annually a full and com-
plete statement of the condition of the schools under
their charge, the salaries of teachers, number of
pupils in each school, in each school district, cost
of books and stationary, with the general and par-
ticular expenses of the system, and such other in-
formation as may be of public interest in connec-
tion with said schools.
of teachers.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the said com-
missioners, or any three of them, appointed by the
board, shall constitute a board of examiners, whose
duty it shall be to examine, or cause to be exam-
ined in their presence all persons offering them-
selves as teachers, and if they shall be found quali-
fied and of good moral character, to give a certifi-
cate to that effect free of charge, and no person
shall be employed without such certificate.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the members of
the board of commissioners of public schools of
Montgomery county shall receive the following
compensation for their services: President of the