duty, or that of his personal representatives to pay
over all such funds, vouchers, books and papers
pertaining to said office, to his successor who shall
give a proper acquitance therefor; the said trea-
surer shall be entitled to and receive from the gene-
ral school fund, two per cent, on all moneys coming
into his hand as compensation for his services.
CHAP. 31.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That all powers,
rights and privileges lawfully exercised by any
board of commissioners, any trustees of schools, or
school commissioners, or any other persons by what-
ever name designated, or by virtue of any act or
acts of the General Assembly, passed in relation to
public schools, and all moneys, property, estate and
effects now vested by law in any of the said parties
hereinbefore mentioned respectively, for the use
and benefit of said schools or any of them, and by
law made payable to any of the parties hereinbe-
fore mentioned, are hereby transfered and vested
in the board of commissioners of public schools of
Montgomery county.
Powers vest-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said board of
commissioners shall have power to employ teachers
and fix their salaries, to prescribe the course of
studies, and the books to be used; they shall super-
intend generally and particularly, all the interests
and operations of the schools under their charge,
and shall make all such by-laws for their govern-
ment, and rules and regulations for the manage-
ment of schools, not inconsistent with the laws of
this State, as they may deem expedient, and the
ers to em-
ploy teachers.
same to modify or repeal at pleasure; Provided,
that no teacher shall be paid more than three
hundred dollars per annum.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said board of
commissioners shall have power to use all the pub-
lic school houses now erected in said county, and
also to lease or rent suitable buildings for school
purposes, until said county shall be districted and
laid off into suitable school districts and houses
erected thereon, as hereinafter provided; they
shall have power to contract for and purchase
furniture, books and stationary and all necessary
supplies, and to furnish the same to such pupils
free of charge, if in their discretion, they think
their parents or guardians unable to purchase the