CHAP. 381.
to Emmittsburg, in Frederick county, to John Gel-
bach, Abraham Wise, of A., and Samuel Mottor,
trustees of the parsonage house of the German Re-
formed church, in Emmittsburg, upon the receipt
of the purchase money, and distribute the proceeds
thereof to the congregations interested therein, in
proportion to their original investments in said
house and lot.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the day of its passage.
Passed March
9, 1860.
AN ACT for the relief of John Tubman, and
WHEREAS, it is represented, that in a case of con-
tested election between Thomas R. Cook and John
Tubman, candidates for the office of commissioner
of Dorchester county, by interpretation of law, the
case was tried before the Circuit judge, not sitting
as a court, thereby precluding exceptions and ap-
peal, and the decision made disposed not only of
the case of the parties contestant, but of the rights
of Robert M. Marshall, another candidate, not a
party in the case; and it is represented that the
Governor having issued commissions to five com-
missioners of said county, returned as elected by
the judges of election, among them, the said John
Tubman, who is sworn in and acting as commis-
sioner, and his commission still unrescinded; has
since upon the certificate of the aforesaid decision,
issued another commission to Thomas R. Cook,
who has also qualified thereunder, making six com-
missioners for said county, instead of the five al-
lowed by law, for remedy whereof,
Directed to
rehear case.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, That the judge of the
eighth judicial circuit, be and he is hereby authorised
and directed to open and rehear the said case of
contested election, between Thomas R. Cook and
John Tubman, before the Circuit court for Dor-
chester county, allowing the parties the same right
of exceptions and appeal as in other civil cases.