and twenty-six, one hundred and twenty-seven and
one hundred and twenty, of article seventeen, rela-
ting to the schools of Queen Anne's county, be and
the same are hereby repealed.
CHAP. 27.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following
shall be substituted for section one hundred and
fourteen, in said article of said Code: The taxable
inhabitants of each primary school district of said
county, (except in the Centreville district, ) shall
annually on some day in the month of October or
November in each year, upon ten days notice, by
advertisements set up at the most public places in
the districts by the trustees, or five taxable inhabi-
tants of the district, elect three trustees for such
district who shall before they proceed to act as
trustees take an oath before a justice of the peace
of the county, diligently and faithfully to discharge
the duties of their office, and they shall deliver to
the commissioners of the school fund a certificate
from the said justice, of their qualification.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the following
shall be substituted for section one hundred and
fifteen of said Code of Public Local Laws: Vacancies
in the said board of trustees which from any cause
shall occur during the year, shall be filled by the
taxable inhabitants at special meetings called as
as provided in the preceding section.
Vacancies —
how filled.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the following
shall be substituted for one hundred and sixteen of
said article seventeen: The commissioners of the
school fund shall annually appoint three sensible
and discreet men to constitute a board of examiners
whose duty it shall be to examine all persons who
may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of
primary schools.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the following
shall be substituted for section one hundred and
twenty-one of said article seventeen: The commis-
sioners of the school fund shall hold their meetings
twice a year in Centreville, that is, on the first
Tuesday in July and January, to appropriate all
moneys which may come into the hands of the
Treasurer, equally among the primary school dis-
tricts of said county, including the Centreville dis-
trict, and the said Treasurer shall pay the same to
the Trustees of the primary school districts, and of
Centreville Academy, upon the order of any two of