SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the inhabitants of the town of
Rockville in Montgomery county, are a body cor-
porate by the name of the commissioners for Rock-
ville, and by that name may have perpetual suc-
cession, sue and be sued, and have and use a com-
mon seal.
CHAP. 373.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the limits of said
town shall begin at the corner of the lots of Mrs.
Elizabeth Braddock, and of that occupied by Zacha-
riah Holland, on the Darnestown road, thence to the
southwest corner of the lot of the Male Academy, and
of the lot of Basil Barry, thence to the Female Acade-
my, thence to the South end of the street, or lane
between the lots of Price and Stonestreet, thence to
to the corner of Austin's lot, thence to the south-
east corner of Bouic's lot, and of the Fair ground
or the Georgetown turnpike, thence to the north-
east corner of the lot of Samuel C. Viers, next to
Brewer's and England's land, thence to the north
corner of Beall's lot in England's lane, thence to
the house of Margaret Warren on the Frederick
Road, thence to the beginning; the commissioners
hereafter to be elected may make such alterations
in the said limits as they may deem advisable, and
cause the same to be surveyed, and the boundaries
thereof to be established, and a record thereof to be
filed amongst the records of the corporation.
Town limits.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the citizens of the
town, having resided therein twelve months previ-
ous to any election, shall, on the first Monday in May
next, and annually thereafter, on the same day, elect
three commissioners for Rockville, to serve for one
year, from the date of their election, and until their
successors are elected and qualified; the commis-
sioners must be substantial citizens, residents in
said corporate limits, and must have resided therein
for at least five years next preceding their election,
and continue to do so during their continuance in
office, they shall receive no pay for their services,
except the president who shall receive fees herein-
after allowed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the person receiv-
ing the highest number of votes, shall be the presi-
dent of the commissioners, and all vacancies in the
commissioners shall be filled by an election held
Vacancies —
how filled.