CHAP. 373
Account for
interest and
exchange on
the bonds of
the State—
credit to be
given, &c.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Comptroller of the State, be
and he is hereby directed to state an account with
the Tide Water Canal company, and the Susque-
hanna Canal company, for the interest and exchange
on the bonds of the State, for one million of dollars
issued to the said companies, in pursuance of an
act of the General Assembly, passed at the Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
chapter four hundred and sixteen, from the date at
which such interest and exchange first became pay-
able, to the first of January, eighteen hundred and
sixty; and to credit thereon all sums paid into the
Treasury of the State, by or on account of said
to release
from payment
of interest.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer
of the State be and he is hereby authorised to re-
ceive from the said companies, and credit on said
balance of account, all such sums of money as the
said companies may be able to pay thereon, after
paying to the State, the current interest and ex-
change on said million of dollars of bonds; and
when the said balance shall be paid in full, to dis-
charge the said companies from all claim by the
State, for arrear interest due by said companies, to
said first of January, eighteen hundred and sixty,
and to surrender to them all their obligations now
held by the State for such arrear interest.
Passed March
10, 1860.
AN ACT entitled, an act to incorporate the town
of Rockville, in Montgomery county.
WHEREAS, it is represented to the General As-
sembly, That it would greatly contribute to the
advantage and improvement of the village of Rock-
ville, in Montgomery county, if the same should be
placed under the care and regulation of certain
commissioners, to be elected by the citizens thereof,
and vested with sufficient powers to forward and
effect the purposes intended; therefore,