CHAP 372.
AN ACT to authorise the Treasurer, to pay to
Joshua H. Hynes, former sheriff of Baltimore
county, a certain sum of money.
Passed March
10, 1860.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Treasurer be and he is
hereby authorised and directed upon the warrant
of the Comptroller, to pay to the order of Joshua
H. Hynes, former sheriff of Baltimore county, the
sum of ninety-nine dollars and eleven cents, being
the sum by which his account as collector of the
State taxes for the year eighteen hundred and fifty,
is overpaid.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
to pay.
AN ACT in relation to the debt due to the State,
from the Tide Water Canal company, and the
the Susquehanna Canal company.
Passed March
8, 1860.
WHEREAS, in the year eighteen hundred and
thirty-nine, the State lent to the Tide Water Canal
company and the Susquehanna Canal company,
one million of dollars, in the bonds of the State,
upon which the said companies agreed to pay the
interest, as the same accrued; and whereas, the
said companies afterwards fell in arrear to the State,
for a portion of the said interest, and in the years
eighteen hundred and forty-four and eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-three, agreed to fund said arrears and
to pay interest thereon, which they have been un-
able to do; and whereas, the said companies have
now petitioned the Legislature to have the account
between them and the State, stated for the interest
on the said million loan, from the date when the
same first became payable, to the present time, and
that they may be allowed to pay off the balance
which may be found to be due to the State, upon such
account in full discharge of the claims of the State
for said interest in arrear, now therefore,