CHAP. 353,
Road— its
width, &c.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That said road shall
be opened according to the location made by said
commissioners, or a majority of them, if said" loca-
tion is approved of by the directors of said company,
and the said road shall be laid out forty feet wide,
of which at least seventeen feet shall be an arti-
ficial road, composed of stone, broken the usual
size, gravel or other hard substance, and said com-
pany shall put up, erect and keep in repair as many
bridges as are necessary over the streams crossing
the same.
Powers con-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said presi-
dent and directors shall have full power to make all
the contracts, and to acquire all the property neces-
sary for making said road, erecting toll-gates and
toll-houses, and may appoint a treasurer and any
other agents which may be necessary for the pur-
poses of said company.
and tolls.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the president
and directors of said company are hereby autho-
rised to erect as many gates on said road as may be
necessary, and charge toll for travelling on said
road, and to fix the rate of tolls; Provided, that the
rate of tolls for travelling on said road shall not be
greater per mile than those authorised to be charged
by a company incorporated by the act of eighteen
hundred and forty-nine, chapter four hundred and
ninety-two, called the Bel-Air Turnpike Company;
And provided further, that no toll shall be charged
or received until said road has been completed for
the distance of five miles, when said company shall
be entitled to charge and receive tolls for such dis-
tance, and after that to charge and receive tolls on
said road as the work progresses.
In case of
between the
company and
jury may be
summoned to
assess dam-
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That in case the said
company shall not be able to agree with the owner
or owners of any land over or through whose lands
the said road may be made, it shall be lawful for
said company to cause any justice of the peace of
Harford county to issue his warrant to the sheriff,
directing him to summon twelve impartial jurors
to meet on said land on a day to be therein named,
to assess the damages sustained by said owners or
owner by reason of said road passing through said
land, which inquisition shall be returned to the
clerk's office of said county, and either party shall
have the right of appeal to the Circuit court of