five directors, to serve until the first Monday in
January thereafter, and until their successors shall
be elected and qualified, and the stockholders of
said company shall annually, on the first Monday
of January or within sixty days thereafter, elect a
president and five directors, and at said elections,
CHAP. 353.
each share shall be entitled to one vote; Provided,
no one person shall have more than ten votes.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the stockholders
of said company are hereby created a body politic
and corporate, by the name of the Rocks of Deer
Creek Turnpike Company, and by that name shall
have perpetual succession, and shall have all the
privileges and franchises of a corporation, and may
sue and be sued, make a corporate seal and by-laws
for the regulation of the company, such by-laws riot
to be inconsistent with the laws of this State.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the sums so sub-
scribed for the stock of said company shall be paid
to the president and directors aforesaid, in such in-
stalments and at such times as they may appoint
and require.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of said company shall manage and direct
all its concerns and affairs, and three of the directors
and the president shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of any business, and if a vacancy occurs
in the presidency, a president shall be elected by the
directors to serve until the next election by the
Affairs of the
company —
by whom
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors are hereby authorised to appoint five com-
missioners who, or a majority of them, shall lay
out said road from the Rocks of Deer Creek until it
intersects the most northerly branch of the Balti-
more and Harford turnpike at or near the bridge
over the Little Gunpowder falls, and shall make a
plat of said rood, and file the same in the office of
the clerk of the Circuit court for Harford county,
to be recorded, and said commissioners before they
act as such, shall take an oath to locate said road
impartially, without favor or prejudice to any per-
son according to the best of their skill and judg-
ment, and that they are not interested in any land
through which said road shall pass.
to lay out the