CHAP. 351.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said road
shall be opened under the supervision of the presi-
dent and managers, commencing at Libertytown,
and from thence by the most practicable route, to
its terminus, specified in the first section of this
act, and the said road shall be laid out forty feet
wide, seventeen of which shall be an artificial road
made of stone broken the usual size.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said presi-
dent and managers shall have full power to make
all the contracts and acquire all the property
necessary for making said road, erecting gates and
toll houses, which may be necessary for the pur-
pose of said company.
and tolls.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the president
and managers are hereby authorised to erect as
many gates on said road as may be necessary, and
charge tolls for traveling on said road, and fix the
Liability of
persons at-
tempting to
evade pay-
ment of tolls.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That if any person
or persons whatever, riding or driving anything
whatever, or leading the same, shall therewith pass
through any private gate or bar, or along or over
any private passageway, or other ground near to
and adjoining any turnpike gate, which shall be
erected in pursuance of this act, with intent to de-
fraud the company, and avoid the payment of toll
for passing through such gate, or if any person or
persons cause the same to be done with a view
either to lessen or defraud the company of the toll,
and all and every person so offending, directly or
indirectly, shall, for every such offence, respec-
tively, forfeit and pay to said managers, president
and company of said road a sum not exceeding ten
dollars, to be sued for and recovered, with cost of
suit, before any justice of the peace, in like manner
as debts of similar amounts may be sued for and
recovered, and if any toll gatherer shall demand
and knowingly receive any greater toll than he is
authorised to demand and receive, said toll gather-
er shall forfeit ten dollars for every such offence for
the use of the county in which said forfeiture shall
be received.