the above authority, may sue and be sued, answer
and be answered in any court of law or equity in
this State, and may do and execute every other
matter and thing by the name aforesaid, that they
are authorised to do by virtue of this act.
CHAP. 351.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the president
and managers, after their election as hereinbefore
provided for, shall have full power to receive addi-
tional subscriptions to the capital stock for the com-
pletion of said road.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That after ten days
public notice of the time and place aforesaid of the
payment of any instalment of said capital stock of
the said company, if any stockholder shall neglect,
to pay such instalment, at the time and place ap-
pointed, for the space of ten days after the time so
appointed, every such stockholder, his, or their, or
her assigns may be required, in addition to the
payment so called for, to pay, at the rate of five per
cent, per month, for the delay of such payment,
and if the same and said additional penalties shall
remain unpaid for such a time as the accumulated
penalties shall become equal to the before
paid in part on account of such share or shares, the
same shall be forfeited to the said company, and
may be sold or assigned by the president and man-
agers of said company to any person willing to pur-
chase the same for such price as can be obtained,
and the purchaser or purchasers aforesaid shall have
all the benefit and advantages of such assignment
and purchase as if he, she or they had been an origi-
nal stockholder, or the managers may, at their
option, enforce payment of any such instalment by
warrant or action of debt as the case may require.
Power to
compel pay-
ments, &c.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the commission-
ers of Frederick county be and they are hereby au-
thorised to subscribe for such number of shares, not
to exceed two hundred, in the capital stock of the
company hereby incorporated, that they may deem
expedient and proper, to be subscribed for in the
name and for the benefit of Frederick county.
County com-
missioners au-
thorised to
subscribe to
capital stock.