CHAP. 335.
Division of
the county in-
to school dis-
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the Orphans'
court of Allegany county, shall have power when-
ever in their discretion they shall deem it proper to
appoint one sensible and discreet person in each
election district of Allegany county, who shall con-
stitute a board for the purpose of dividing the
county into school districts, and said board shall
make such division without reference to the boun-
daries of election districts, and shall report said
division to the Orphan's court of Allegany coun-
ty as soon as practicable, who shall have power to
alter or change any lines for good and sufficient
reasons, and after such division shall have been
confirmed by said board, the plat shall be recorded
in a book kept for that purpose.
School fund—
to whom paid
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the present
school fund of Allegany county, and all other funds
which may be by any law of this State, applicable
to purposes of education in said county, shall be
paid directly to the treasurer of the board of com-
missioners of public schools, of Allegany county,
and the balance necessary for the support of the
schools, shall be annually estimated and determined
by said board of commissioners of public schools
who shall report the same to the county commis-
sioners, who are hereby authorised and required to
levy annually, the sum so estimated and reported,
upon the assessable property of Allegany county,
to be collected in the same mariner as other taxes
now are or shall hereafter be collected, the said
school tax when collected shall be paid over to the
treasurer aforesaid, quarterly; Provided, the said
levy for school purposes, shall not exceed fifteen
cents on the one hundred dollars.
of pupils.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That each pupil
in said schools, shall pay one dollar per quarter in
advance, unless the parent or guardian of said
pupil shall be unable to pay the same, and in that
case the school commissioners of the district shall
admit such pupil free of charge, and the ability or
inability of the said parent or guardian to pay,
shall be determined by said commissioners.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said board
of commissioners shall designate in their by-laws,
or by resolution, order or otherwise, the amount of
compensation to be paid to the teacher or teachers
under the provisions of this act.