tion and neighborhood, paying due regard to any
schoolhouse already built, or sites procured; they
shall fix the salaries of teachers, and make all such
by-laws for the government of schools as may be
deemed necessary, not inconsistent with the laws
of this State, and the same to modify or repeal at
CHAP. 335.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said com-
missioners of public schools shall appoint three
discreet and well qualified men who shall constitute
a board of examiners, whose duty it shall be to ex-
amine all persons offering themselves as teachers,
and if they shall be found qualified to teach the
usual branches of a common English Education, em-
bracing at least orthography, reading, writing,
arithmetic, English Grammar and Geography, and
possess a good moral character, to give a certifi-
cate to that effect free of all charge, and no person
shall be employed without such certificate, and
the said examiners shall meet in the city of Cum-
berland, at least four times in the year, at periods
to be designated by the school commissioners for
the examination of candidates for teachers; no cer-
tificate to be given for more than two years, nor
for less than three months.
Board of ex-
aminers — its
duty, &c.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the board of commissioners of public schools
of Allegany county, to publish annually a full
and complete statement of the condition of the
schools under their charge, the salaries of teachers,
the number of the district, the number of pupils in
each district, stating their sex, the branches taught,
the average daily attendance, the cost of books and
stationery with general and particular expenses of
the system, and such other matters as may be of
public interest in connection with said schools, no
teacher to be paid without the presentation of
his certificate with his order unless it can be shown
that he has lost or mislaid said certificate.
Annual state-
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the members of
the board of public school of Allegany county,
shall receive as compensation for their services not
more than two dollars per day for every day that
they may be occupied in attending the meetings
of the board, and the same compensation shall be
allowed to committees of the board when in atten-
dance upon such duties as the board may assign