CHAP. 332.
five dollars; to Charles H. Mann, fifty-three dol-
lars and thirty-three cents; to the president of the
Baltimore and Susquehanna Steam company, one
hundred and forty-one dollars and eighty-four
cents; to Montgomery Johns, executor of John
Johns, twenty-two dollars and fifty cents; to Reu-
ben Summers, twenty-nine dollars and sixteen
cents; to John G. Hanshaw, five dollars.
In force.
And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Passed March
10, 1860.
AN ACT adding a small portion of Frederick
and Buckeystown election districts of Frederick
county to Jefferson district of said county.
District ex-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Jefferson district shall he ex-
tended so as to include within its limits that por-
tion of Frederick and Buckeystown districts com-
mencing at the top of the Catoctin mountain, be-
tween the property of William Hurshberger and
Henry Culler, at the county road, and running
thence with said road to the Frederick and Har-
per's Ferry Ridge road, at Mrs. Stockman's, and
thence between the property of William Smith and
William Hargate; thence between the property of
John and Daniel Snider; thence. in a straight line
between the property of Jacob Remsburg and Ham-
ilton Gisbert, and thence to strike the branch. at
the Georgetown road; thence along said road, at
the foot of the mountain, to the Trammelstown
road, and thence up said road to the top of the
mountain, to the district line between Jefferson
and Buckeystown districts.
In force.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.