CHAP. 12.
Passed Feb.
8, 1860.
AN ACT to incorporate the Corn Exchange Build-
ings Company, in the city of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, certain persons, residents of the city of
Baltimore, have incorporated themselves under the
act of eighteen hundred and fifty-two, chapter two
hundred and thirty-one, by the name and style of
the Exchange Buildings Company; and whereas,
doubts have been expressed as to whether the said
act authorises the formation of a corporation such
as the said company; and whereas, the said com-
pany has effected an organization, and has pur-
chased certain real and leasehold property for the
purpose contemplated by the charter of said com-
pany, which said charter was properly acknowl-
edged and recorded among the records of the Su-
perior Court of Baltimore city, upon the twenty-
sixth day of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine;
and whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature,
the object of the said corporation cannot be attained
under general laws; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Horatio S. Whitridge, William
Chrichton, Charles D. Hinks, George P. Kane,
Samuel S. Levering, Henry M. Warfield, Thomas
E. Matthews, jr., Benjamin G. Harris, and Frank-
lin F. Pope, and all other subscribers or persons
who may be holders of the stock under the said
original act of incorporation, be and they are here-
by incorporated by the name of the Corn Exchange
Buildings Company in the city of Baltimore, their
object and intention being to erect a suitable build-
ing for the use and accommodation of the Balti-
more Corn and Flour Exchange Association, for
the sale and purchase of grain, seeds, flour and
other produce in the city of Baltimore, and also to
establish a Merchants' Reading Room, where may
be kept on file all useful prices current newspapers
and agricultural journals from all important mar-
kets, the said corporation shall have perpetual suc-
cession, with power to sue and be sued, to make
and use a common seal, and alter and renew the
same at pleasure.
powers vested.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corpora-
tion shall have power in and by its corporate name
to purchase, lease, hold, convey and mortgage real