CHAP. 2.
for all the Public General Laws and the Public
Local Laws, heretofore passed by the Legislature
of Maryland.
Savings, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the savings and
reservations and rules of interpretation contained
in the first Article of the Public General Laws, be
and they are hereby made a part of the Code.
with the clerk
of the Court
of Appeals.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the copy of the
Code endorsed, "Secretary of the Senate, " and
the copy thereof endorsed, "Clerk of the House
of Delegates, " shall each be deposited with the
Clerk of the Court of Appeals, to be by him
safely kept among the Records of the Laws, except
when he may be directed by the General Assem-
bly, to deliver one of the copies for the purpose of
being reprinted.
In force.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the day of its passage.
Passed Jan
24, 1860.
AN ACT to make valid the Bond of the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for Howard County.
Bond to be
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the bond of William W. Wat-
kins, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Howard
County, executed and approved by the Judge of
said Court, on the seventh day of December, eigh-
teen hundred and fifty-nine, and recorded in Liber
W. H. W., No. three, folios four hundred and
eight and nine, one of the Chattel Records for How-
ard county, be and the same is hereby made and
declared to be as valid and as legal as if the same
had been executed and approved at the regular
Fall term of said court.
SEC. 2 And be it enacted, That the said bond shall
afford as ample protection to said Clerk, in the
emoluments, immunities, tenure and term of office,