CHAP. 225.
clerk of said court, shall be good and sufficient
evidence thereof in any court in the same manner,
and to the same effect as if the original thereof had
been produced and proved.
Valuation of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That as soon as
the said commissioners shall be duly qualified to
act as hereinbefore required, they shall proceed to
ascertain and estimate the value of the several
Tobacco Warehouses, and the lots attached thereto
belonging to the State, and shall return a separate
estimate and valuation of each of said lots and
Warehouses to the office of the Secretary of State,
to be there kept and preserved; Provided, how-
ever, that said commissioners shall not dispose of
any of said Warehouses or any lot or lots wher-
ever said Warehouse or Warehouses are located
for a sum less than the estimated value of said
Warehouse or Warehouses the lot or lots upon
which said Warehouses stand, and the said com-
missioners shall be required to sell the same at
public auction, after having first given public no-
tice of at least ten days previous to said sale; Pro-
vided, the sum bid shall equal or exceed the esti-
mated value.
to purchase
lot and con-
tract for the
erection of a
warehouse on
branch of the
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners shall have power to contract for the pur-
chase or leasing of a lot or contiguous lots of
ground fronting and binding on navigable water of
sufficient depth to admit the access of vessels draw-
ing twenty feet of water when loaded, and on the
northwest branch of the Patapsco river, and of
sufficient number of feet both in front and in depth
to admit of the building thereupon of a warehouse
or warehouses competent to receive for inspection
and storage all the tobacco which in the judgment
of said commissioners will be on hand for inspec-
tion and storage in the city of Baltimore at any one
time, and they shall also have power to contract for
the building of the said warehouse or warehouses,
with all the screws, weights and appurtenances neces-
sary for the prompt and convenient inspection of to-
bacco; Provided, however, that the said commission-
ers shall not enter into any contract as hereinbefore
provided, until and unless they shall first have as-
certained that the proceeds of the lots and ware-
houses now owned by the State, will be sufficient
to defray the whole cost of the new warehouse or
warehouses authorised to be built by this act, and