to be used as currency, and that said corporation
shall have power to make by-laws for its govern-
ment, and to alter and amend the same at pleasure;
CHAP. 225.
Provided, they do not conflict with the Constitution
and laws of the United States and of the State of
Maryland, or the laws of the Great Council of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act of incor-
poration shall take effect from the date of its pas-
sage, and that the Legislature reserves to itself the
In force.
right to alter and amend the said act of incorpora-
tion at pleasure.
AN ACT entitled, an act to provide for disposing
of the State's Tobacco Warehouses, and for the
building of a new Tobacco Warehouse or Ware-
houses on deep water.
Passed March
6, 1860.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Richard H. Miles, John D.
Bowling and William Thompson, of R., be and
they are hereby appointed commissioners to dis-
pose of the property known as the State Tobacco
Warehouses in the city of Baltimore, or of so much
thereof as may be necessary for the purposes of
this act, and to erect a new Warehouse or Ware-
houses in their stead as hereinafter provided.
ers to dispose
of warehouses
SEC. 2. And Be it enacted, That before the said
commissioners shall proceed to act, they shall take
and subscribe before the clerk of the Superior court
for Baltimore city an oath or affirmation that they
will faithfully discharge their duties as commis-
sioners under this act, and shall also severally en-
ter into bonds in the penalty of fifty thousand dol-
lars each, conditioned for the faithful discharge of
their duties under this act, which bonds shall be
approved by the Governor or Comptroller of the
State, and be lodged for record in the office of the
clerk of the Superior court for the city of Balti-
more, and a copy thereof under the seal of the
To take oath
and enter into