CHAP. 210
mittee, to acquire and hold property, whether real,
personal or mixed to the value of one hundred
thousand dollars.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after its passage.
Passed Feb.
29, 1860.
AN ACT to authorize the commissioners of Anne
Arundel and Prince George's counties to levy a
sum of money to rebuild the bridge across the
Big Patuxent river, near Snowden's old iron
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the county commissioners of
Anne Arundel and Prince George's counties re-
spectively, are hereby authorized and required, each
to assess and levy a sum of money not exceeding
two hundred and fifty dollars for each county on
the assessable property in their respective counties,
at the time of laying their next county or annual
levy, together with the commission for collecting
the same, which said sums shall be made, levied
and collected and paid to a majority of the commis-
sioners appointed by this act or to their order, as
soon as the same shall become payable and col-
lectable by law.
ers empower-
ed to rebuild
bridge, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following
persons are appointed commissioners for rebuilding
said bridge, to wit: on the part of Anne Arundel
county, William Snowden and Stephen Nailor; and
on the part of Prince George's county, Luther D.
Jones and John Snowden, and the said commis-
sioners or a majority of them are hereby authorized
and empowered, as soon as may be convenient, to
cause such bridge to be rebuilt upon its present site
of sound and good material, and completed in the
best and most substantial manner, and they or a
majority of them are by this act fully authorized
and empowered to agree with a contractor or con-
tractors for rebuilding said bridge, and the said