Court for Anne Arundel county, thirty-six dollars
and seventy-five cents, for fees due by the State to
Levin Woolford, clerk of the Circuit Court for
Somerset county, five dollars and forty-seven cents,
money erroneously paid by him into the treasury,
to J. S. Inloes, two hundred and eighty dollars and
forty-eight cents, amount of certificate and interest
of John S. Gittings, commissioner of loans, issued
to him and remaining unpaid, to John Clark, seven-
teen dollars for attending to furnace at the last ses-
sion of the Legislature, and to Whitney and Cushing
forty dollars and twenty-seven cents for stationery
furnished the joint committee on the Code.
CHAP. 209.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the day of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT entitled, an act for the benefit of the
Baltimore City Protestant Episcopal Missionary
Passed Feb.
29, 1860.
WHEREAS, the Baltimore City Protestant Epis-
copal Missionary committee have associated for the
religious and charitable purpose of purchasing, build-
ing, holding and maintaining free churches and
mission school houses to be used for worship and in-
struction according to the doctrine, discipline and
worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the
the United States of America, and have become
incorporated under the provisions of an act of
the General Assembly of this State passed at De-
cember session in the year eighteen hundred and
forty-six, chapter three hundred and twenty-three;
and whereas, the provisions of that act limit the
value of the property which may be held by as-
sociations incorporated under the same to an
amount too small to answer the purpose of said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That it shall be lawful for the Balti-
more City Protestant Episcopal Missionary com-
May acquire
and hold pro-