SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Governor and Adjutant
General, be and they are hereby authorised and di-
rected to purchase for the use of the State such
number of rifles, carbines, pistols, sabres and horse
equipments for cavalry, of the most approved pat-
terns, as in their judgment may be necessary, and
when so purchased shall be deposited in the armo-
ries of the State and distributed by the Adjutant
General, according to the mode prescribed by law,
to the several volunteer companies of the State;
to purchase
arms, &c.
Provided, that no county having more than two
volunteer companies already armed and equipped
at the expense of the State shall be entitled to re-
ceive any portion of said arms until the other coun-
ties shall have received arms and accoutrements
sufficient for two companies; but in case there shall
be failure upon the part of any volunteer company
in any county to make application to the Adjutant
General for arms within sixty days after notice
shall have been by him given in some newspaper
published in the city of Baltimore of the purchase
and deposit of said arms and equipments in the
armories of the State, then the Adjutant General
shall proceed to distribute said arms in accordance
with the provisions of the one hundred and tenth
section of the forty-second article of the Code of
Public General Laws; and it is hereby made the
duty of the said Adjutant General to give the no-
tice as above prescribed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Governor and
Adjutant General be and they are hereby autho-
rised and directed to have the old muskets now in
the State armories altered so as to conform to the
to sell old