CHAP. 182.
nually appropriated for the instruction of indigent
blind persons, be increased to not exceeding four
thousand dollars; and whereas, said act appears to
have been overlooked in the general appropriation
bills for the years eighteen hundred and fifty-four,
eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eighteen hundred
and fifty-six, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and
eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, by reason whereof
the sum actually allowed by the State for said pur-
pose, in said appropriation bills, has been only two
thousand dollars annually — an amount adequate to
pay the expense of educating only the pupils at the
rate of two hundred dollars for each, per annum, as
established by law; and whereas, it appears that
the Maryland Institution for the Instruction of the
Blind has been, for several years past, engaged in
educating twenty indigent blind persons, inhabi-
tants of this State, and it has been ascertained
that there are more than twenty other blind persons,
also inhabitants of this State, who need education,
whilst the building occupied by said institution is
insufficient to accommodate even the present num-
ber of inmates; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the seventh section of article
thirty-three of the Code of Public General Laws,
relating to the indigent blind, be and the same is
hereby repealed, so far as it declares that a sum
not exceeding four thousand dollars shall be an-
nually appropriated, to be applied as therein di-
rected, and in lieu of said amount, a sum not
exceeding six thousand dollars be annually appro-
priated, to be applied as therein directed.
to pay.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That for the purpose
of extending the building of the Maryland Insti-
tution for the Instruction of the Blind, and increas-
ing its facilities for educating blind persons,
inhabitants of this State, the treasurer of this
State shall pay to the treasurer of said institution
the sum of ten thousand dollars for the year
eighteen hundred and sixty, and six thousand
dollars for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
one, and the sum of twenty-eight thousand dollars
is hereby appropriated for said purposes, out of any
unappropriated money in the treasury.