CHAP. 177.
structure placed in said cemetery, or any fence, rail-
ing or other work for the protection or ornament of
said cemetery, or shall wilfully destroy, cut, break,
or remove any tree, plant or shrub within its limits,
or who shall shoot or discharge any firearms within
said limits shall be considered guilty of misde-
meanor, and upon conviction thereof before any
justice of the peace shall be punished by fine in the
discretion of the justice, according to the aggrava-
tions of the offence, of not less than five nor more
than fifty dollars.
Burial lots
free from exe-
cution or
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That burial lots in
said cemetery shall not be subject to the debts of
the lot holders thereof, and the land of the com-
pany dedicated to the purposes of the cemetery
shall not be subject to taxation of any kind.
How held.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That every burial lot
sold or conveyed in such cemetery shall be held by
the proprietors thereof for the sole purpose of sepul-
ture, and shall descend as real estate to heirs, sub-
ject to the conditions of the grants, or may be dis-
posed of by the owner by sale, or devise by last
will, with the approval of the president and man-
agers of the corporation.
Passed March
5, 1860.
AN ACT to amend an act entitled, an act to incor-
porate a bank in Centreville, Queen Anne's
county, passed January session, eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-six, chapter one hundred and
restricted to
bona fide citi-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That so much of the second section
as authorises the commissioners empowered by the
aforesaid act to receive subscriptions of stock from
all persons whomsoever, be and the same is hereby
repealed, and the said commissioners are hereby
authorised to receive subscriptions of stock from
bona fide citizens of Kent, Caroline, Talbot, Dor-