is desirable to have burial grounds subject to the
laws, rules and regulations of a corporation, in
order to secure to the living the continued protec-
tion of the remains of their dead, the following
named citizens of Baltimore, actuated by the above
considerations, pray for an act of incorporation,
CHAP. 176.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Francis Neale, Dennis Sulli-
van, Thomas Clark, James Shannessy, Charles
M. Colgan, Benjamin G. Harris and Edward M.
Colgan, and their successors, be and they are
hereby created a body politic and corporate by the
name and title of Saint Peter's Cemetery, and by
that name shall have perpetual succession, and
shall be able and liable to sue and be sued in any
court of law or equity, and shall have power to
purchase and hold not exceeding twenty-five acres,
with authority to said corporation to receive gifts
and bequests for the purpose of ornamenting and
improving said cemetery, and to purchase such per-
sonal property as may be requisite to carry out the
object of this act, and to sell the said real and per-
sonal property or any part thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the
said corporation shall be conducted by a president
and three managers, who shall be elected annually
by a majority of the votes of the proprietors, the
said president and managers to fill all vacancies in
their own body, and shall have power to lay out
and ornament the grounds, remove and alter old
buildings and erect new ones, to lay out and sell
burial lots, to appoint all necessary officers and
their duties and compensation, and make such
rules and regulations as they may deem proper for
conducting the affairs of the corporation.
Affairs of the
company —
how man-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no lanes, alleys,
streets, roads, canals or public thoroughfares of
any sort shall be opened through the property of
said corporation used or appropriated for the pur-
fares — none
to run through
the cemetery.
pose of burial; and provided, that nothing herein
contained shall authorise said corporation to ob-
struct any public road now actually opened and
used as such.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any person who
shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure or
remove any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other