SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Alfred Zollickoffer, S. Hape, E.
Bankerd, J. Bankerd, E. Adams, Samuel Anders,
D. Stultz, J. H. Christ, T. H. Adams, M. Jenkins,
J. Bean, J. H. Gordon, J. Zepp, J. McHenry, T.
Welling, A. Bitesell, R. Sharpley, A. Hurley, W.
S. Lantz, J. E. Starr, William Eckard, D. Seller,
Charles Myers, Lewis Byers, N. N. Meredith, T.
H. Routson, F. A. Develbiss, J. A. Eckerd, J. N.
Galwith, G. H. Brown, Wm. H. Bankerd, G.
Kugle, G. Winter, T. A. Eckard, John W. Kin-
ney, J. Little, P. Smith, T. Eckard, G. Hamburg,
G. W. Gilbert, A. Eckard, A. Little, P. Little,
and all other members and officers of Brother Re-
lief Division number one hundred and thirty-six,
Sons of Temperance, working under the charter
from the Grand Division Sons of Temperance of
Maryland, and their successors, be and they are
hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name
and number of Brother's Relief Division, number
one hundred and thirty-six, Sons of Temperance
of the State of Maryland, and by that name may
sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, an-
swer and defend in any court of law or equity in
this State, shall have, make and use a common
seal, and the same break, change or renew at plea-
Vested rights.