CHAP. 110.
any instalment may remain due and unpaid as
aforesaid, to be sold by the said president and di-
rectors for the best price that can be obtained
therefor, for the benefit of the said company, or
shall be liable to be sued for the same, and the
amount thereof with legal interest thereon shall
and may be recovered by the said president and
directors from such stockholders, or his or her as-
signees, in such manner as debts of similar amounts
are recoverable.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of the said company shall keep fair and
just accounts of all moneys received by them, and
of the amount of the profits or shares that may be
forfeited, and generally of all moneys received by
them for the purpose of erecting the said bridge,
and also of all money by them expended in the
prosecution of the said work, and shall at least
once in every year submit such accounts to a general
meeting of the stockholders, until the said bridge
be completed, and the causeways leading thereto
be kept in due repair, and until all the costs,
charges, and expenses incurred in and about said
bridge and causeways, shall be fully paid and dis-
charged, and the aggregate amount of all such ex-
penses shall be liquidated and ascertained, and if
after said bridge and causeways have been com-
pleted, it shall be found that more moneys shall
remain in the hands of the treasurer than is neces-
sary for the payment of all charges and expenses
incurred in and about said bridge and causeways,
the surplus shall be returned as part of the divi-
dend due and payable to the stockholders respec-
Bridge to be
securely built
and not to im-
pede the pas-
sage of ves-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said bridge
and causeways shall be built in the most secure and
substantial manner, and shall be secured and sup-
ported at each end by good and sufficient abut-
ments, and shall not be less than eighteen feet
wide, with railing on each side thereof, not less
than four feet high, and there shall be a draw in
said bridge, so as to afford a convenient passage to
vessels up and down the said river, of at least fifty
feet wide, with wings or buoys on each side; and
the president and directors, for the time being,
shall keep a sufficient number of hands at all times
ready for the purpose of opening the said draw, in
order to admit vessels to pass through without