shall deliver one such certificate, signed by the
president and countersigned by the secretary, and
sealed with the seal of the corporation, to each
person for every share by him or her subscribed or
held, which certificate shall be transferable in per-
son or by attorney, in presence of the president or
secretary, subject, however, to the payments due,
and that may grow due thereon; and the assignee
holding any certificate having first caused the as-
signment to be entered in a book of the company,
which shall be kept for that purpose, shall be a
member of the company, and for every certificate
so held shall be entitled to one share of the capital
stock and of all the estate, benefits and emolu-
ments of the company, and to vote as aforesaid at
the meetings thereof.
CHAP. 110.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors shall meet at such times and places, and
be convened in such manner as shall be agreed on,
for transacting the business of the company, and a
majority shall be a quorum, who, in the absence of
the president, may choose a chairman, and shall
keep minutes of all their transactions fairly entered
in a book, and a quorum being met, they shall have
full power and authority to agree with and appoint
such superintendents, artists or other persons, as
they shall, think necessary to carry on the said
bridge, and to contract and agree for materials and
all such articles as they shall deem, necessary for
building or repairing said bridge, and to draw
orders on the treasurer for all money to pay the
wages of persons by them employed, and for the
materials and labor done; Provided, such orders
shall be signed by the president, or, in his absence,
by a majority of the attending directors, and coun-
tersigned by the secretary, and to do and to trans-
act all other such acts, matters and things, as by
this act, or tire by-laws, orders, and regulations of
the company shall be committed to them.
SEC. 8. And he it enacted, That if any stockholder
shall refuse or neglect to pay any balance or instal-
ment that may be due on any share or shares by
him or held at the times and periods required by
the president and directors, and shall so neglect
or refuse for thirty days thereafter, every such
stockholder, or his or her assigns, shall, in the
discretion of the said president and directors, either
forfeit to the company every such share on which
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