George W. Loar, and to affirm and ratify the resolution
of the County Commissioners agreeing to accept said
conveyance; to approve and ratify the conveyance from
the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland of the land for
the Garrett County Memorial Hospital; to create a
Board of Governors to manage and operate said Hos-
pital; to authorize the County Commissioners of Gar-
rett County to levy taxes for the support and mainte-
nance of said Hospital; to relieve the County Commis-
sioners of Garrett County and the Board of Governors
of FOR liability negligence in connection with the opera-
tion and maintenance of said Hospital.
WHEREAS, by the last will and testament of George W.
Loar, funds were provided for the construction and equip-
ment of a hospital in Oakland, Garrett County; and
WHEREAS, there is no hospital in Garrett County, so
that the construction of such hospital is supplying a real
necessity for the entire County; and
WHEREAS, the construction and equipment of the hos-
pital is nearing completion and it is expected to be opened
in April; and
WHEREAS, the hospital cannot be operated and main-
tained unless the County Commissioners are authorized
to provide some additional funds; and
WHEREAS, this situation has caused a real acute emer-
gency; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the County Commissioners of Garrett County be and
they are hereby authorized to accept the conveyance of
the Garrett County Memorial Hospital from the executors
of the estate of the late George W. Loar of Garrett County
as provided in his last will and testament and to maintain
said hospital. The resolution of the County Commission-
ers of Garrett County agreeing to accept the conveyance
of the Garrett County Memorial Hospital and to maintain
and support said hospital is hereby affirmed and ratified
and said resolution and agreement shall be as valid and
binding as if the said County Commissioners had been
specifically authorized to do so at the time the said resolu-
tion and agreement was adopted and approved.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the conveyance
from the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland of the land