used illegally and the blind for which said license was issued
The Clerks of the Circuit Courts of the Counties shall on the
first day of July, 1943, and on the first day of each and every
month thereafter transmit to the State Comptroller all moneys
received by them for such licenses. And the amounts so re-
ceived by the Comptroller shall be placed to the credit of a
separate fund to be known as "The State Game Protection
Fund" and shall be disbursed by the Comptroller from time
to time on warrants signed by the Game Warden and counter-
signed by a representative of the Commission.
48. LICENSE TAG MUST BE DISPLAYED. Blank applications
for licenses shall be furnished to the Clerks of Courts of this
State by the Game Warden and shall provide for the location
of the blind and the name of the owner of said shore property
opposite or on which said blind is located. Application for
any such license may be made through the mails and upon the
proper information as provided herein the Clerk of the Court
shall issue same. Said license shall bear the signature of the
Game Warden and shall be counter-signed by the Clerk issuing
the same who shall at the same time fill out on a stub attached
to the license blank the name and address of the licensee and
the location of blind and shall then detach said stub and mail
same to the Game Warden. In addition to said license for
said blind every person hunting from same must have in pos-
session a hunter's license and tag displayed on outer garment
at the center of back as provided by law.
If any licensee erects a blind and same is destroyed in any
manner beyond his control, he shall have the right within
thirty (30) days from the date of the destruction of said blind
to replace or restore same without losing the set which said
blind formerly occupied.
(a) Whenever an owner of land bordering on any waters of
this State shall desire to erect a booby, brush, or stake blind in
front of his property, or other person to whom he shall give
permission, he shall not place same within 250 yards of the
dividing line of any property owned by him and the adjoining
property bordering on said waters (the distance contained
herein shall not apply to the waters that are tributary of the
Potomac River in Charles County nor to the waters of Balti-
more County), meaning a line extending out over the waters
drawn direct from the dividing line of said properties at the
shore line unless with the consent of the adjoining landowner,
same being for the purpose of allowing each landowner border-