greater distance than 1000 yards from the natural shore, said
blind not to be placed in water over eight feet in depth.
46. USE OF BOAT. It shall be lawful for any person hunting
in a licensed booby, brush, or stake blind to use a skiff or row
boat propelled by oars for the purpose of retrieving wounded or
dead water fowl when same has been wounded or killed from
said blind or from natural shore. Every person erecting a blind
or digging a pit on a field or fields for the purpose of hunting
wild water fowl shall remove said blind and cover pit in such a
manner as to prohibit hunting therefrom within two days after
the close of the open season for the hunting of wild water fowl
as provided by law.
47. LICENSE FOR BLINDS. A bona fide resident of this State,
or a nonresident owner of land bordering on the Potomac
River, his lessee or licensee, may erect, set, or maintain a
booby, brush, or stake blind as provided in this sub-title after
first obtaining a license so to do from the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of the County in which said blind is located opposite the
shore thereof, and said Clerk is authorized to issue said license
upon payment by the applicant the sum of Five Dollars
(f5. 00), and in addition to the license fee so received the Clerk
issuing same shall collect and retain the sum of Fifty Cents
(50c), in lieu of all other compensations, as the Clerk's fee.
The Clerk of the Court shall not issue to any one person license
to erect, set, or maintain more than two booby, brush, or stake
blinds in or over the waters of this State, however, the issuance
of two blinds shall not apply to co-partnerships, associations,
or corporations. Such license shall be void on the thirtieth
day of June of each year following the date of issuance. Said
Clerk shall not accept an application for license for any blind
until July 1st of each year and shall issue license in rotation
as applications are received. Said applicant for said license
shall certify in writing to said Clerk when making application
for said license that he is the owner, of the legal amount of
shore front as required by law, and if a lessee or licensee mak-
ing application for license on or before October 10 of each year
he shall present to said Clerk a written permission from the
owner of the shore where said applicant desires a license to
erect said blind or blinds on the waters off shore of said
owner's property, for use of shore front for purpose of erecting
a blind or blinds on shore or water. Such license shall not be
transferable and if used or presented by any person other than
the person to whom it was issued such license shall be con-
fiscated by the Game Warden or any deputy game warden,
constable, or other officer who shall find such licenses being