and such finding so reported shall be sufficient cause for
the removal by said Mayor and City Council of the officer
guilty of such violation.
Each person discharged for the purpose of reducing the
force and without fault upon his part shall receive a cer-
tificate so stating and all persons so discharged shall be
placed on the eligible list in the order of the length of their
service and shall have preference over others on the eligible
33J. It shall be the duty of each appointing officer to
report to the Commission forthwith upon the appointment
or employment of any person in the Classified City Service
the name of such appointee or employee/the title and char-
acter of his office or employment, the date of commence-
ment of service by virtue thereof, and to report, from time
to time, and upon the date of official action in or knowledge
of each case, and separation of a person from the service,
or other change therein and such other information as the
Civil Service Commission may require in order to keep the
roster hereinafter mentioned. The Commission shall keep
in its office an official roster of the Classified City Service
of the City of Cumberland, and shall enter thereon the
name of every person who has been appointed, employed,
prompted, reduced, transferred or reinstated in any posi-
tion in said service. This roster shall be open to public
inspection at all reasonable hours, and shall show in con-
nection with each name the date of appointment, employ-
ment, promotion, reduction, transfer or reinstatement and
the compensation of the position, its title, the nature of
the duties thereof and the date and cause of any determina-
tion of such office or employment.
33K. It shall be unlawful, after notice from the Civil
Service Commission for the Treasurer or any other fiscal
officer of the City to draw, sign or issue or authorize the
drawing, signing or issuing of any warrant for the pay-
ment of any salary or compensation to any officer, clerk,
employee or other person in the Classified City Service,
whose name does not appear upon the roster provided for
in the next preceding section as having been appointed and
employed in conformity with the provisions of this sub-
title and the rules adopted thereunder.
33L. All persons holding positions in the City Service
on the date this Act becomes effective shall, when such
positions are placed under the provisions of this sub-title,
be entitled to retain their position until discharged, reduced,
promoted or transferred in accordance with the provisions
of this sub-title.