fill such position provisionally by the appointment of one
of the persons certified to him by the Commission as above
provided, which appointment shall be on probation for a
period of six months. At or before the expiration of the
period of probation the head of the department or office
in which such candidate is employed may, in the exercise
of his discretion, remove the said probationer. Unless so
removed during the probationary period, his appointment
shall be deemed complete. Where an emergency arises
or the services to be rendered are only for a temporary
period, not to exceed sixty days, the appointing officer may,
with the approval of the Commission, make a temporary
appointment to remain in force not exceeding sixty days,
and only until a regular appointment under the provisions
of this sub-title can be made.
33H. The Commission shall provide, in its rules, for
keeping a record of efficiency for each employee in the
Classified City Service, and for making promotions in said
service on the basis of merit, to be ascertained by com-
petitive examinations, by conduct and capacity in office,
and by seniority in service, and shall provide that vacancies
shall be filled by promotions in all cases where, in the
judgment of the Commission, it shall be for the best inter-
ests of the service so to fill such vacancies. The Commis-
sion shall also provide rules for transfers and reinstate-
33-1. No person shall be discharged from the Classified
City Service or be reduced in pay or position or suspended
by the appointing officer for or on account of his political
or religious opinions or affiliations, or for refusing to con-
tribute to any political fund or refusing to render any po-
litical service; but nothing in this sub-title shall forbid
the removal, dismissal, reduction or suspension of any such
officer or employee for any cause other than those here-
inbefore enumerated and which, in the opinion of the
person authorized by law to remove or dismiss such officer
or employee, may interfere with the efficient discharge of
his duties. In all cases of discharge or reduction or sus-
pension for more than thirty days the appointing officer
shall furnish the subordinate so discharged, reduced or
suspended, and also the Commission, a copy of the order
of removal and also his reasons for the same. The Com-
mission may in all cases, and upon the written request of
any subordinate removed after the termination of the pro-
bationary period shall, investigate, and if it shall find that
the intent and spirit of the provisions of this Charter have
been violated in the said discharge, reduction or suspension,
it shall report its finding to the Mayor and City Council,