outstanding or so long as any bonds issued under the provisions
of this Act are outstanding, to annually levy a tax on every
$100 worth of assessable property in the City of Westminster
in such amount as may be necessary to so supplement the
"Water Fund" as to meet, when due and payable, the interest
on all such bonds and to redeem at maturity all such bonds in
the full principal amount thereof.
SEC. 9. Whenever any charge for water supplied from the
said water system shall be and remain in arrears for a period
of thirty (30) days after the same shall have become due and
payable or whenever the occupant of any premises to which
water is being supplied from the said system shall violate any
of the rules or regulations under which the said water is sup-
plied, the said The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster
may, in its discretion, cut off the water supply from such prem-
ises after they shall have given the occupant of such premises
five (5) days7 notice in writing of its intention so to do. All
charges for water supplied to any premises shall be a lien upon
such premises until such charge, with whatever interest may
have accrued thereon, shall have been satisfied in full to the
same extent and to be collectible in the same manner as ar-
rearages of taxes are collectible in the City of Westminster.
SEC. 10. In addition to the powers expressly conferred by
this Act, The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster
shall have such other powers as are incident to, or a necessary
consequence of such expressly conferred powers, which other
powers shall include the right to pass all ordinances not incon-
sistent with the powers granted by this Act as may be deemed
necessary for the proper operation, preservation and protec-
tion of said water system and to attach reasonable penalties
to the ordinances of The Mayor and Common Council of West-
minster for the violation thereof; to formulate, promulgate
and enforce rules and regulations necessary for the proper
conduct of the said water system; and from time to time to
repeal, alter or amend such ordinances, rules and regulations.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That this Act, and the
bonds issued thereunder, are hereby specifically exempted from
the provisions of Sections 33-36, inclusive, of Article 31 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), and that all
laws, or parts of laws, both public general and public local,
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be and they are
hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That if any section,
clause or provision of this Act shall be found to be unconsti-
tutional or in conflict with any other section, clause or pro-