the said The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster be
and it hereby is further authorized and empowered to acquire
in the manner hereinbefore set forth, or by lease if in the
opinion of the said The Mayor and Common Council of West-
minster it be more desirable so to do, additional land, rights,
privileges, waters, streams, waterways, water courses, ease-
ments, reservoirs, facilities and franchises, for the purpose of
enlarging or extending the said water system or approving its
SEC. 6. The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster
hereby is further authorized and empowered to pass all ordi-
nances, rules and regulations necessary to properly provide for
the operation, management, maintenance and improvement of
the said water system; and the said water system may be
operated to furnish water not only to all premises located
within the limits of the City of Westminster but also to all
premises located anywhere in Carroll County.
SEC. 7. The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster
hereby is further authorized, empowered and directed to charge
all premises supplied with water from the said water system
such rate or rates therefor as shall be prescribed by ordinances
or resolutions of The Mayor and Common Council of West-
minster, such ordinances or resolutions to be subject to the
approval of the Public Service Commission of Maryland; and
all moneys received for water so supplied shall constitute a
separate fund to be in the keeping of the Treasurer of The
Mayor and Common Council of Westminster and to be known
as the "Water Fund". Such moneys shall be used in the
operation and maintenance of the said water system and may
also be used to defer the cost of any extension or improvement
of the said water system, to pay the interest on and the prin-
cipal of any outstanding bonds on the said water system which
may have been assumed by the said The Mayor and Common
Council of Westminster at the time of the acquisition of the
said water system and the interest on and the principal of any
bonds which may be issued under the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 8. The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster
hereby is authorized and empowered to annually levy a tax on
every f 100 worth of assessable property in the City of West-
minster in such amount as may be necessary to so supplement
the "Water Fund" as to adequately provide for the operation
and maintenance of the said water system; and the said The
Mayor and Common Council of Westminster is further author-
ized, empowered and directed so long as any bonds which may
have been assumed by it under the provisions of this Act are