and upon conviction thereof before a Trial Magistrate of
the County in which such person resides, shall be fined not
more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00, ), or be impris-
oned not more than six (6) months, or be both fined and
imprisoned, in the discretion of said Trial Magistrate.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
not apply to any person who actually works five (5) days
in each week, or on such less number of days in each week
that employment by his employer is available, nor shall it
apply to any person while on any vacation granted by his
employer, nor to bona fide teachers or duly ordained min-
isters of the gospel.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That any and all
appeals under this Act, and any case in which a jury trial
be demanded, shall be heard by the Circuit Court for the
County in which such appeal is noted, or in which such
jury trial is demanded, within fifteen (15) days after such
appeal or demand.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted. That this Act shall
be in effect during the continuance of the existing state of
war between the United States and Germany, Japan and
Italy, and during any prolongation thereof, or with any of
such nations and/or with any other foreign country, and
shall be terminated by the signing of a treaty of peace, or
by a proclamation of the President of the United States
or the Governor of the State that hostilities have ceased,
or that the emergency no longer exists, whichever event
first occurs; provided, however, that this Act shall cease to
be in effect upon the adoption at any time by the General
Assembly of Maryland of a Joint Resolution stating that
it is no longer necessary for the public good and safety of
the State and terminating the same; and provided further,
that the expiration, repeal or termination of this Act shall
not have the effect of releasing or extinguishing any pen-
alty, forfeiture or liability incurred hereunder prior to the
date of such expiration, repeal or termination, and this Act
shall be treated as remaining in full force and effect for
the purpose of sustaining any and all prior actions, suits,
proceedings or prosecutions, civil or criminal, for the
enforcement of any penalty, forfeiture or liability provided
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act is
hereby declared to be an emergency law and necessary for
the immediate preservation of the public health and safety,
and being passed upon a yea and nay vote, supported by