man for said jail, and he shall be allowed for his actual
expenditures for food, provisions and necessary supplies fur-
nished the prisoners confined in jail, provided the total
cost of the food so furnished shall not exceed the sum of
Sixty cents per day for each prisoner so confined and for
the warden, the night watchman and the cook, said daily
allowance to be approved by the County Commissioners. The
Sheriff shall keep an itemized account of all such expenditures,
and in the form and system prescribed by the County Commis-
sioners, and shall make a report of such expenditures according
to such form and system to the County Commissioners at their
first meeting in every month, accompanied by a statement show-
ing the actual number of prisoners daily supplied during such
period; and the County Commissioners upon examination of
said account and finding the same to be correct and within the
limits herein provided, shall pay the same to the Sheriff.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1943.
Approved April 30, 1943.
(Senate Bill 234)
AN ACT making it a misdemeanor for certain persons not
to work or fight during the period of the present emer-
gency, and to provide criminal penalties therefor.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That every able-bodied, sane male person be-
tween the ages of 16 and 60, residing in the Counties of
Caroline, St. Mary's, Somerset, Kent, Worcester, Wicomico,
Anne Arundel, Cecil, Harford, Montgomery, Dorchester,
Talbot, Baltimore and Queen Anne, who is not in the armed
forces of the United States, or who has not received his
notice to report for induction into such forces, or who is
not on duty as a member of the Maryland State Guard, or
who is not a bona fide student in a school or other educa-
tional institution in this State or elsewhere, whether able
to support himself by reason of ownership of property or
income or whether supported by others, who is not actually
working in some business, occupation, trade or profession,
and who refuses to accept at prevailing wages an offer of
employment for which he is physically qualified in the
County where he resides, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,