224 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Cil. 214
of Montgomery County, as heretofore constituted, in-
cluded within the following lines, limits and boundaries
mentioned in this Act, is hereby annexed to and constituted
a part of the tenth election district of Montgomery County:
Beginning for the same at a point where the Wayside
School House Road is intersected by the present dividing
line between the fourth and tenth election districts at or
near the northeast corner of the Micheal Conroy Property
as described in Liber E. B. P. 10 at Folio 105, among the
land records of said County, thence with the Wayside
School Road in a easterly direction to a point where the
said road is intersected by the northeast corner of Lorenzo
Crawford's five acre lot as recorded in Liber J. A. 13 at
Folio 297, one of the land records of Montgomery County,
Maryland, and running thence in a northeasterly direction
to a point on the eastern edge of the Seven Locks road at
a corner between the lands of the heir's of Wm. R. Pumph-
rey, containing 32. 35 acres of land as recorded in Liber 216
at Folios 429 and 431 and Liber 222 at Folio 393, among
the land records of said County, and the lands of Lorenzo
S. Dove, containing 2iy2 acres of land as recorded in
Liber 228 at Folio 265, among the land records of said
county, and running thence in a easterly direction on said
dividing line to intersect the westerly line of the lands
containing 621/2 acres formerly belonging to Wm. A. Bogley
and recorded in Liber J. A. 58 at Folio 4, among the land
records of Montgomery County, Maryland, and thence
bounding on said westerly line in a southerly direction
to the southwest corner thereof and the most northerly
corner of the land of George P. and Katherine B. Scriven
as described in deeds recorded in Liber TD 27 Folio 70
arid Liber 252 Folio 244, among the land records of said
County, and running thence on dividing line between said
Bogley and Scriven land in a easterly direction to the
Northeast corner of said Scriven land, it being also the
northwest corner of a 100 acre tract formerly owned by
George A. Arms and described in a deed recorded in Liber
200 at Folio 38, among the land records of said county,
and running thence in a straight line in a southerly direc-
tion to a point on the original boundary line between the
fourth and tenth election districts, thence in a straight line
in a northwesterly direction and with the present dividing
line between the fourth and tenth election districts to the
point of beginning.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all that portion
of the fourth election district of Montgomery County, as
heretofore constituted, included within the following lines,
limits and boundaries mentioned in this Act, is hereby