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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2012   View pdf image (33K)
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2012 VETOES.

County. The Bill also specifically repeals all provisions
of any public general law or any public local laws incon-
sistent with it. There are numerous local laws hereto-
fore passed which provide compensation in excess of
$4. 00 a day for the Judges of the Orphans7 Court in
various counties and since the proposed Bill specifically
repeals all inconsistent local laws and provides that
Judges of the Orphans' Court shall only receive $4. 00
a day in the counties not specifically mentioned in the
Bill, there would seem to be a possibility that the sign-
ing of this law would result in reduced compensation of
the Orphans' Court to $4. 00 in a large number of coun-
ties. This section was repealed and re-enacted in 1941
in the same terms with respect to Montgomery County
and apparently no comment was made about this pos-
sible effect at that time, but despite this, it would seem
safer to veto this measure and pass a bill clarifying the
entire matter. It is possible that the Courts would hold
that this law affects only Wicomico County, but there is
certainly some danger that they would not so hold and
under the circumstances we feel that the matter should
be clarified. "


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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2012   View pdf image (33K)
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