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Session Laws, 1943
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law. In the last few days the State Forester has issued a
blanket permit which will enable the officials of Easton to
designate a responsible person to be appointed as Forest War-
den. Thereupon, this individual, acting on the authority of
the Mayor and Council will have authority and hence the local
officials will have a representative to whom to look in any

My primary interest is to uphold the Conservation Laws
of the State and inasmuch as this measure is considered to be
one to weaken the laws, I feel constrained to veto it.


March 16, 1943.
The Speaker of the House,
Maryland House of Delegates,
State House,
Annapolis, Maryland.

Dear Sir:

I am returning, without approval, House Bill 188 (Chapter
67), entitled:

"An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Section 238 of Article 93 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1939 Edition), title 'Testamentary Law', sub-
title 'Orphans' Courts', as said section was amended by
Chapter 653 of the Acts of 1941, increasing the compen-
sation of the judges of the Orphans' Court for Wicomico
County. "

The Attorney-General, to whom all bills are submitted for
official ruling as to their constitutionality and validity, has
given me the following opinion on this bill:

"This bill undertakes to increase the compensation of
the Judges of the Orphans' Court for Wicomico County
by repealing and re-enacting, with amendments, Section
238 of Article 93 of the Code (1939 Edition) as said
section was amended by Chapter 653 of the Acts of 1941.
The Bill starts out by providing that the Judges of the
Orphans' Court of the several counties shall receive the
sum of $4. 00 for every day of attendance. It then ex-
empts St. Mary's and Montgomery Counties from the
provisions of the section and then increases the amount
to be paid the Judges of the Orphans' Court for Wicom-
ico County to $6. 00 and provides $15. 00 a day for the
Judges of the Orphans' Court in Montgomery County
with the total limitation of $1, 800. 00 a year in that


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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2011   View pdf image (33K)
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