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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2010   View pdf image (33K)
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2010 VETOES.

'Section 6 is included in the Acts of 1935—Chapter 303, cre-
ating the State Police and had the effect of assuring Merit
System rights to the employees who were at that time trans-

While there was no apparent intention to vitiate the arrange-
ment by which the status of these employees was preserved?
nevertheless, the repeal of the Act would raise the question as
to whether these individuals are now included in the Merit
System or enjoy the benefits to which their State service
entitles them.

The Attorney-General has given me a formal opinion to the
effect that the Bill should be vetoed and for the reasons above
outlined, I am following this course.


March 29, 1943.
The Speaker of the House,
Maryland House of Delegates,
State House,
Annapolis, Maryland.

Dear Sir:

I am returning herewith, without executive approval, House
Bill No. 409 (Chapter 223), entitled:

"An Act to add a new section to Article 21 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1939 Edition), title
'Talbot County', sub-title 'Easton', said new section to
be known as Section 162A, and to follow immediately
after Section 162 of said Article, to authorize the Mayor
and Council of Easton to provide for permits for the
trimming of trees in said town. "

The Commission of State Forests and Parks seriously objects
to the approval of this measure, declaring that it will jeopard-
ize the State-wide program for conservation of trees. In other
words, this Bill, if signed, would deprive the State Forester
of authority over the handling of trees in the city of Easton
and would be considered an unfortunate precedent.

Under present circumstances, the Department of State
Forestry is ready and able to be of every possible assistance
toward the proper handling of roadside trees, in this locality.
In fact, the facilities of the Department and the plans already
made enable the City officials to acquire trees at nominal costs
and then expert advice and assistance for their preservation.

While the officials of Easton desire to have authority over
the trimming of trees in the City, it is believed that this re-
sult can be accomplished without the necessity of a change of


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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2010   View pdf image (33K)
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