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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2009   View pdf image (33K)
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be one of policy, the Bill constitutes a substantial de-
parture from the usual (unctions of the office of the

"It is also pointed out that there are certain rules
relating to the Merit System and to the Salary Stand-
ards Board that require, at present, the approval of the
Governor, This Bill provides that when the Attorney-
General approves rules submitted to him, these are to be
filed and become effective immediately and thus, under
the Bill, it is conceivable that a situation might arise
where the Attorney-General would approve a rule that
is disapproved by the Governor and the present Bill
leaves open the possibility that the Attorney-General and
the department head might be able to adopt and make
effective rules totally at odds with the established policy
of the Executive.

"For these reasons, therefore, it is our suggestion that
this Bill should be vetoed and that a new Bill be drafted
to take care of the above objections. "

Inasmuch as it is apparent that the State Law Department
can collaborate in the preparation of a new Bill to relieve and
remove the objectionable features of this Bill, I am vetoing this


February 17, 1943.
The President of the Senate,
Maryland State Legislature,
State House,
Annapolis, Maryland.

Dear Sir:

I am returning, without approval, Chapter 32 (Senate Bill
53), entitled:

"An Act to repeal Section 6 of Article 88B of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title 'State
Police', relating to employees transferred from the office
of Commissioner of Motor Vehicles to the Department of
Maryland State Police. "

The repeal of this section, accomplished if this Bill were
enacted, would have the effect of impairing the Merit System
status and the seniority rights of employees of the Department
of the Maryland State Police who had been previously trans-
ferred from the office of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, it
is thought.


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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2009   View pdf image (33K)
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