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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2006   View pdf image (33K)
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2006 VETOES.

situation unless some provision is made to compensate em-
ployees who give up allotted free time and who render service
during the present shortage of manpower. It has been pro-
posed by the Department that authority be given whereby these
employees might be compensated when unspent appropriations
might otherwise be available for this purpose.


March 10, 1943.
The Speaker of the House,
Maryland House of Delegates,
State House,
Annapolis, Maryland.

Dear Sir:

I am returning, without approval, House Bill 72 (Chapter
97), entitled:

"An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Section 154 of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1939 Edition), title 'Licenses', sub-title 'Mo-
tor Vehicles', sub-heading 'Registration of Motor Vehi-
cles and Operators', relating to the use of number plates
or markers. "

The Attorney-General, to whom all Bills are submitted for
official ruling as to their constitutionality and validity, has
given me his opinion to the effect that the Bill should be vetoed
because of the conflicting use of terms in the measure. He
suggests that another Bill be introduced remedying the effects
in question.

The measure relates to the use of number plates or markers
and is intended to permit the use of new tags from March 1st
to March 31st, instead of from March 15th to March 31st.
However, the Attorney-General points out the section which
is repealed and is re-enacted requires the issuance of two tags.
It is understood that the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles in-
tends to issue only one tab this year in order to preserve basic
materials so necessary for the success of the war effort.

The question of using tabs instead of tags was decided last
year, when we undertook to cooperate with the War Produc-
tion Board in the conservation of steel. However, as the
present law gives me specific authority for the use of one tab,
the State Law Department is of the opinion that such a change,
as proposed, could not be upheld under the present law or
under this proposed enactment.

The Attorney-General proposes the suggestion that a new
Bill be introduced authorizing the issuance of tabs instead of


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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2006   View pdf image (33K)
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