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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2007   View pdf image (33K)
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tags and vesting in the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles the dis-
cretion to issue one tab if conditions warrant such action.


March 11, 1943.
The President of the Senate,
Maryland State Legislature,
State House,
Annapolis, Maryland.

Dear Sir:

I am returning, without executive approval, Senate Bill 115
(Chapter 109), entitled:

"An Act to authorize the Burgess and Commissioners
of New Windsor to borrow on the credit of said town a
sum not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20, 000)
for the purpose of extending and enlarging the water
system and supply for said town, to secure the repayment
of the sum so borrowed by the issuance of the bonds of
said town, and to provide for the payment of the prin-
cipal and interest of such bonds, and to authorize a
special tax for such payment. "

The State Law Department points out that the authority
to be granted under this enactment as to maturity of the bonds
may be exercised in a manner inconsistent with Section 36,
Article 31 of the Maryland Code. This might affect the bonds
in question.

I have taken this matter up with the Senator from Carroll
County who introduced Senate Bill 115 and who, in view of
the aforegoing, requests that I veto Senate Bill 115. It is my
understanding that another bill will be introduced to give
effect to the Attorney-General's ruling.


March 12, 1943.
The President of the Senate,
Maryland State Legislature,
State House,

Annapolis, Maryland.
Dear Sir:

I am returning, without executive approval, Chapter 158
(Senate Bill 72), entitled:

"An Act to add a new section to Article 76 of the An-
notated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title 'Publi-


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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2007   View pdf image (33K)
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